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موزیک ویدیو Rap God از Eminem با زیرنویس انگلیسی و فارسی
دفعات اجرا شده: 12026 | ارسال توسط: نوامبر 16, 2017
موزیک ویدیو Rap God از Eminem با زیرنویس انگلیسی و فارسی

Eminem – Rap God Explicit

L00k, I was g0nna g0 easy 0n y0u and n0t t0 hurt y0ur feelings

But I’m 0nly g0ing t0 get this 0ne chance

S0mething’s wr0ng, I can feel it

Just a feeling I’ve g0t, like s0mething’s ab0ut t0 happen, but I d0n’t kn0w what

If that means, what I think it means, we’re in tr0uble

and if he is as bananas as y0u say, I’m n0t taking any chances


Y0u were just what the d0ct0r 0rdered

I’m beginning t0 feel like a Rap G0D, Rap G0D

All my pe0ple fr0m the fr0nt t0 the back n0d, back n0d

N0w wh0 thinks their arms are l0ng en0ugh t0 slapb0x, slapb0x?

They said I rap like a r0b0t, s0 call me Rapb0t

But f0r me t0 rap like a c0mputer must be in my genes

I g0t a lapt0p in my back p0cket

My pen’ll g0 0ff when I half-c0ck it

G0t a fat kn0t fr0m that rap pr0fit

Made a living and a killing 0ff it

Ever since Bill Clint0n was still in 0ffice

With M0nica Lewinsky feeling 0n his nut-sack

I’m an MC still as h0nest

But as rude and as indecent as all hell

Syllables, killah0lic (Kill ’em all with)

This slickety, gibbedy, hibbedy hip-h0p

Y0u d0n’t really wanna get int0 a pissing match with this rappidy rap

Packing a Mac in the back 0f the Ac, backpack rap crap, yep, yep, yackity-yak

N0w at the exact same time

I attempt these lyrical acr0bat stunts while I’m practicing that

I’ll still be able t0 break a m0therf***in’ table

0ver the back 0f a c0uple 0f fagg0ts and crack it in half

0nly realized it was ir0nic I was signed t0 Aftermath after the fact

H0w c0uld I n0t bl0w? All I d0 is dr0p F-b0mbs, feel my wrath 0f attack

Rappers are having a r0ugh time peri0d, here’s a maxipad

It’s actually disastr0usly bad f0r the wack
While I’m masterfully c0nstructing this masterpiece as

I’m beginning t0 feel like a Rap G0D, Rap G0D

All my pe0ple fr0m the fr0nt t0 the back n0d, back n0d

N0w wh0 thinks their arms are l0ng en0ugh t0 slapb0x, slapb0x?

Let me sh0w y0u maintaining this s***t ain’t that hard, that hard

Everyb0dy want the key and the secret t0 rap imm0rtality like I have g0t

Well, t0 be truthful the Blueprint’s simply rage and y0uthful exuberance

Everyb0dy l0ves t0 r00t f0r a nuisance

Hit the earth like an aster0id, did n0thing but sh00t f0r the m00n since

MC’s get taken t0 sch00l with this music

Cause I use it as a vehicle t0 bust a rhyme

N0w I lead a new sch00l full 0f students

Me? I’m a pr0duct 0f Rakim, Lakim Shabazz, 2Pac N-

-W.A, Cube, Hey D0c, Ren, Yella, Eazy, thank y0u, they g0t Slim

Inspired en0ugh t0 0ne day gr0w up, bl0w up and be in a p0siti0n

T0 meet Run DMC, induct them, int0 the m0therf***n’ R0ck n’

Even th0ugh I walk in the church and burst in a ball 0f flames

R0ll Hall 0f Fame

0nly Hall 0f Fame I be inducted in is the alc0h0l 0f fame

Y0u fags think it’s all a game ’til I walk a fl0ck 0f flames

0n the wall 0f shame

0ff a plank, and tell me what in the f*** are y0u thinking?

S0 gay I can barely say it with a straight face l00king b0y

Little gay l00king b0y

Like y0u watching a church gathering take place l00king b0y

Y0u witnessing a massacre

0y vey, that b0y’s gay, that’s all they say l00king b0y

Y0u get a thumbs up, pat 0n the back

And a way t0 g0 fr0m y0ur label everyday l00king b0y

Hey, l00king b0y, what y0u say l00king b0y?

I get a “hell yeah” fr0m Dre l00king b0y

I’mma w0rk f0r everything I have

Never ask n0b0dy f0r s**t, get 0utta my face l00king b0y

Basically b0y y0u’re never g0nna be capable

T0 keeping up with the same pace l00king b0y

I’m beginning t0 feel like a Rap G0D, Rap G0D

All my pe0ple fr0m the fr0nt t0 the back n0d, back n0d

The way I’m racing ar0und the track, call me Nascar, Nascar

Dale Earnhardt 0f the trailer park, the White Trash G0D

Kneel bef0re General Z0d this planet’s Krypt0n, n0 Asgard, Asgard

S0 y0u be Th0r and I’ll be 0din,

y0u r0dent, I’m 0mnip0tent

Let 0ff then I’m rel0ading

immediately with these b0mbs I’m t0tin’

And I sh0uld n0t be w0ken

I’m the walking dead, but I’m just a talking head, a z0mbie fl0ating

But I g0t y0ur m0m deep thr0ating

I’m 0ut my ramen n00dle, we have n0thing in c0mm0n, p00dle

I’m a d0berman, pinch y0urself in the arm and pay h0mage, pupil

It’s me, my h0nesty’s brutal

But it’s h0nestly futile if I d0n’t utilize what I d0 th0ugh

F0r g00d at least 0nce in a while

S0 I wanna make sure s0mewhere in this chicken scratch I scribble and d00dle

En0ugh rhymes t0 maybe try t0 help get s0me pe0ple thr0ugh t0ugh times

But I g0tta keep a few punchlines just in case cause even y0u unsigned

Rappers are hungry l00king at me like it’s lunchtime

I kn0w there was a time where 0nce I

Was king 0f the undergr0und, but I still rap like I’m 0n my Phar0ahe M0nch grind

S0 I crunch rhymes, but s0metimes when y0u c0mbine

Appeal with the skin c0l0r 0f mine

Y0u get t00 big and here they c0me trying t0

cens0r y0u, Like that 0ne line

I said 0n “I’m Back” fr0m the Mathers LP1.
Where I

tried t0 say I take seven kids fr0m C0lumbine

Put ’em all in a line, add an AK-47, a rev0lver and a nine

See if I get away with it n0w that I ain’t as big as I was.
But I’ve

m0rphed int0 an imm0rtal c0ming thr0ugh the p0rtal

Y0u’re stuck in a timewarp fr0m 2004 th0ugh

And I d0n’t kn0w what the f*** that y0u rhyme f0r

Y0u’re p0intless as Rapunzel with f***ing c0rnr0ws

Y0u’re like n0rmal, f***k being n0rmal

And I just b0ught a new Raygun fr0m the future

T0 just c0me and sh00t ya like when Fab0l0us made Ray J mad

Cause Fab said he l00ked like a fag at Mayweather’s pad

Singin’ t0 a man while they played pian0

Man, 0h man, that was a 24/7 special 0n the cable channel

S0 Ray J went straight t0 the radi0 stati0n the very next day

”Hey, Fab, I’mma kill y0u”

Lyrics c0ming at y0u at supers0nic speed, (JJ Fad)

Uh, sama lamaa, duma lamaa, y0u assuming, I’m a human

What I g0tta d0 t0 get it thr0ugh t0 y0u I’m superhuman

Inn0vative and I’m made 0f rubber

S0 that anything y0u say is ric0cheting 0ff 0f me and it’ll glue t0 y0u

I’m devastating, m0re than ever dem0nstrating

H0w t0 give a m0ther***in’ audience a feeling like it’s levitating

Never fading, and I kn0w that the haters are f0rever waiting

F0r the day that they can say I fell 0ff, they’d be celebrating

Cause I kn0w the way t0 get ’em m0tivated

I make elevating music, y0u make elevat0r music

0h, he’s t00 mainstream

Well, that’s what they d0 when they get jeal0us, they c0nfuse it

It’s n0t hip h0p, it’s p0p, cause I f0und a hella way t0 fuse it

With r0ck, sh0ck rap with D0c

Thr0w 0n L0se Y0urself and make ’em l0se it

I d0n’t kn0w h0w t0 make s0ngs like that

I d0n’t kn0w what w0rds t0 use

Let me kn0w when it 0ccurs t0 y0u

While I’m ripping any 0ne 0f these verses, that versus y0u

It’s curtains, I’m inadvertently hurtin’ y0u

H0w many verses I g0tta murder t0

pr0ve That if y0u’re half as nice at s0ngs, y0u can sacrifice virgins t0/t00 (ughhh)

Sch00l flunkie, pill junky

But l00k at the acc0lades the skills brung me

Full 0f myself, but still hungry

I bully myself cause I make me d0 what I put my mind t0

And I’m a milli0n leagues ab0ve y0u, ill when I speak in t0ngues

But it’s still t0ngue in cheek, f***k y0u

I’m drunk s0 Satan take the f***king wheel, I’m asleep in the fr0nt seat

Bumping Heavy D and the B0ys, still chunky, but funky

But in my head there’s s0mething I can feel tugging and struggling

Angels fight with devils and here’s what they want fr0m me

They asking me t0 eliminate s0me 0f the w0men hate

But if y0u take int0 c0nsiderati0n the bitter hatred that I had

Then y0u may be a little patient and m0re sympathetic t0 the situati0n

And understand the discriminati0n

But ***k it, life’s handing y0u lem0ns, make lem0nade then

But if I can’t batter the w0men

h0w the f***k am I supp0sed t0 bake them a cake then?

D0n’t mistake it f0r Satan

It’s a fatal mistake if y0u think I need t0 be 0verseas

And take a vacati0n t0 trip abr0ad

And make her fall 0n her face and d0n’t be a retard

Be a king? Think n0t –

Why be a king when y0u can be a G0D?

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  • معین آهویی

    ممنون از سایتتون

  • علیرضا

    ببخشید رپری هست که تو آهنگاش از فحش و بد بیرا استفاده نکنه؟ میتونین کسی رو بهم معرفی کنین؟

  • علیرضا

    جواب نمیدین؟؟

    • Saeed Avril

      به ادمین تلگرام پیام بدید
      یا صبر کنید تا آمار دقیق گرفته بشه بعد بهتون اعلام بشه

  • علیرضا

    بله، صبر می کنم تا دقیق اطلاع بدید. ممنون.

    • Saeed Avril

      دوستان گفتن که nf کمتر فحش میده .. یا مثلا رپ های قدیمی ویل سمیت هم فحش توشون نیست …
      در کل ژانر رپ و هیپ هاپ معمولا توهین توش هست .ولی خوب ببعضی از هنرمندا در این ژانر هستن که تو یه سری از کاراشون هم فخش نیست .حتی شاید اهنگ های امینم هم پیدا بشه !

  • علیرضا

    ممنون از پاسخگوییتون، از همین NF که گفتید هیچی آهنگ نذاشتین، ممنون می شم اگه از ایشون هم آهنگ بذارید/ بازم ممنون

    • Saeed Avril

      بله در اینده میزاریم حتما

  • جلال

    رپ یعنی صدای اعتراض و تو زندان های امریکا این سبک اختراع شد درسته باید با ادب تر اعتراض کرد ولی اینم یه مدلشه و این خیلی جالبه هر کس بخواد میتونه هر طوری خواست اعتراض کنه

  • عارف

    لطفا موزیک ویدیو kim از eminem رو بزارین